Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Job 31 “Nothing More To Say”

The words of Job are ended.” (v. 40b)
Chapter 31 is occupied with Job's solemn oath of innocence. It was his final answer to the argument presented by his three friends, that his affliction must be the outcome of his sin. In a carefully prepared statement he now affirms his innocence: personally (vv.1-12): in his dealings with men (vv.13-23): in his attitude toward God (vv.24-34): with his signature, and demand for an indictment (v.35). Finally, the chapter closes with the statement: "The words of Job are ended.” This is generally attributed to the author of the book, or to some subsequent editor or copyist. But, it makes sense to me to believe they constitute Job's last sentence - that he had nothing more to say. The mystery of his suffering was unsolved, and he relapsed into silence.

Job's silence is now God's opportunity for speech. He often waits until we have said everything: and then, in the silence He answers. His answers are not always what we desire, but they bring rest, strength, stamina and satisfaction to all who trust in Him. 

I've had my share of personal trials, and have poured my heart out to God on many occasions. I have experienced both the answers I was hopping for, and some that I wasn't. However, in looking back over my life, everything was for my good and in most cases, I understand God's workings. Yes there are a few trials that are still a mystery to me, but He has brought me through them and some day I will see clearly why I needed to walk those paths. For now, I simply accept His sovereign hand and trust that all things are working together for good.   

The Truth: “But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)