Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Psalm 141 “Guard My Mouth”

“Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.” (v.3)

As a young boy I stayed with my grand parents a lot, as both of my parents worked. One of the things I can remember my grandfather saying to me was, “Boy, there’s a reason why God gave you two ears and one mouth. And that’s because He wants you to listen twice as much as you speak.” I’m sure that was just his way to get me to stop bugging him, but you get the picture. There's a way to get your point across without using a sharp tongue.

It is a rare person who could go even a week without saying something they regretted. David was aware of this and that is why he was saying in this psalm, “Lord, I need your help not to go off and say things I will regret later.” Things we say, and even how we say them matter. Therefore, asking God as David did to guard our mouths, is a wise request for every believer to make during their prayer time.

LORD forgive me for the times I did not guard my mouth, nor keep watch over the door of my lips. But, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” Amen.