Thursday, January 3, 2019

Psalm 134 “Bless the LORD”

“Bless the Lord, all you which by night stand in the house of the Lord.”
(v. 1)

This hymn was composed for the night-watch of the Temple, for those that had gone to relieve the Levites who had been in charge during the day. In it, the psalmist calls upon those who stand by night to “lift up their hands in the sanctuary and bless the LORD” (v. 2).

Who among us today are the night-watch of the LORD? Who stands before Him in praise and prayer while the busy workers of the day are slumbering? Who seeks His blessing on the work of the past day, and the coming one? The sleepless suffers are God’s night watch, those who have been called to praise and prayer in the night, to lift up their hands and stand in the gap before the LORD.

What a blessing it is when men of the church commit themselves to stand in the house of the LORD by night. Sacrificing sleep to take a shift of prayer for the body of Christ and His church. The final verse of this psalm tells us, there comes back to those who stand by night, the assurance that the Lord (which made heaven and earth) shall bless (v. 3).

It is impossible for Him who made heaven and earth, not to bless the souls He created. Simply put, He cannot fail to bless those that bless. Indeed, their hearts, like sounding boards, reflect His own. Therefore, stand watch. Lift up your hands and bless the LORD.

The Truth: “Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.” (Psalm 141:2)