Monday, October 22, 2018

Psalm 115 “Praise The Living God”

“We will bless the LORD, from this time forth and forevermore. Praise the LORD!” (v. 18)

This Psalm is the third of the six “halal” or praise psalms that were sung at the three major feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. And, while there are varying opinions as to who wrote it and when, the one common denominator among all the commentators is, it deals with praising the living God over all other gods.

Unlike the idols of the Edomites, the Ammonites, and the Moabites, or the Egyptians, and the Babylonians, who were "made with silver and gold and are the work of man's hands" (v. 4), "our God is in the heavens and He does whatever pleases Him" (v. 3). And while God is currently in heaven, away from this fallen world and its destructive influences, one day He will take possession of it again. And when that happens, all will be as it was intended to be before the fall of man.

Therefore, "praise our living God" for who He is, for what He has done, and for what He will yet do!

The Truth: "Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord, give praise, O servants of the Lord.” (Psalm 135:1)