Friday, June 22, 2018

Psalm 60 “Look To The Lord, Not Man”

“Give us help from trouble, for vain is the help from man.” (v.11)

This verse (and the one that follows) shows us that David realized the source of his success and the secret of his strength, did not lie in the might of his armies but in the Lord. David realized his armies were just as vulnerable as his enemies, unless there were empowered, and directed by God. Unfortunately later in his life, David would forget this great truth and suffered the corrective hand of God for his pride (2 Samuel 24).

Pride can easily get us all off track from our first days in the Lord, when we walked in total dependency upon Him. And, insted of bathing our steps in prayer and looking to be guided by His Spirit, we begin to depend on our own abilities and strength. Then like with David, it becomes a recipe for troubled waters. The good news is, there is a course correction we can take to navigate back to a safe haven - simply “looking to the Lord” for his help and direction.

Just as Peter who in faith stepped out of his boat and onto the water and began walking toward Jesus, but got his eyes off the Lord and on to the circumstances around him, the the wind and the waves and began to sink - So shall we all if we walk in our own strength. Therefore look to the Lord, present your needs to Him, and like both Peter and David, He will help you.

 The Truth: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)