Thursday, June 21, 2018

Psalm 59 “Sing of the Lord”

“I will sing of Your power; yes I will sing of Your mercy in the morning: for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble.” (v.16)

Here in our text David is testifying of his praise to God. Singing of His power, His mercy, His defense and protection against all of his enemies. Singing is such a beautiful way to communicate love and display contentment. My grandmother often sang and hummed in the most contented voice as she ironed, washed clothes on a washboard over the sink, or cooked. To this day I remember the love that went into her daily chores. Mothers have been consoling their restless babies for years by singing them to sleep. There is no greater display of love and affection than the showering of joy through music to another's soul.

Interestingly enough, when king Saul was troubled, tormented, and could not sleep, he would call for David (when he was younger) and have him play the harp and sing songs to calm him down. But now David is fleeing from the very man he comforted, and even though his life is in danger, he sings of His mighty deliverer from the heart.

When we sing worship songs with our hearts fixed on God, we are singing of His presence. When we testify to others of what God has done for us, we are singing of His power. When we give thanks to God for His workings in our lives, we are singing of His mercy. Therefore, “sing of the Lord" and all He has done for you, and make known His faithfulness to all.

The Truth: "I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 89:1)