Wednesday, December 2, 2020

An Introduction to the Book of Nahum

The book of Nahum is a Prophetic Oracle directed against Nineveh, which was the capital city of the Assyrian Empire. The Assyrians, who were an extremely cruel people, had overthrown the northern tribes of Israel and were known for torturing and humiliating anyone they captured, provoking fear in all nations. 

The prophet Jonah had gone to Nineveh and preached against their horrible and ungodly practices 150 years earlier pronouncing God's judgment upon them. After initially repenting, the Assyrians are now back to their wicked ways and God has now sent Nahum to proclaim His judgment upon them.

Nahum begins with the words “The Lord is a jealous God and avenging…is slow to anger and of great might, and the Lord will by no means clear the guilty” (chapter 1, verses 2–3).

From that beginning Nahum predicts the overthrow of Assyria and the devastating manner in which Nineveh will be destroyed.

Tomorrow we will begin our look at this small but interesting book. God bless.