Sunday, April 1, 2018

"Christ - The First Fruits - He Has Risen"

The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ are fundamental to Christianity. If Christ did not rise from the dead, then there is no victory over sin - no victory over the grave - no hope in life after dead - the Bible itself then is a lie - and our faith is in vain. However, the scriptures not only predict and record the death of Jesus but, they also predict and record His burial and resurrection.

The death of Jesus Christ was predicted in the OT in Isaiah 53:5-6 in about 500‘s B.C., and recorded in the NT gospels. (Matt.27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:33; John 19:18) His crime was, He claimed to be the Son of God. An accusation He did not recount even after a very brutal scourging. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, to pay the penalty that our sins deserved.

The burial of Jesus Christ was prophesied in Isaiah 53:9 and recorded (among others) in the gospel of Matthew 27:57-61 - His resurrection prophesied in Psalm 16:9-10, recorded in the gospels and again in 1 Corinthians 15:5-8. In these verses, the Apostle Paul records a list of the eyewitnesses of the resurrection - Peter, the twelve disciples, over 500 brethren in Galilee, James (the half brother of Jesus), all the Apostles and then Paul himself. These all remained united in their testimony as to the resurrection, even unto death. (violent)

Therefore, since Christ is risen from the dead, He has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. It was by man that death first came into the world, through Adam to all men. But, praise be to God, who sent His Son into the world as a Man, in order to undo the work of the first man. (John 3:16) Thus, by the Man Christ Jesus, came the resurrection from the dead and the hope of eternal life.

This is not however, a universal salvation to all men from death. Adam and Jesus Christ are presented as federal heads, this means they acted for other people. All who are descended from Adam die, so in Christ all shall be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:23) Meaning, only believers in Jesus Christ will be raised from the dead to dwell forever with Him.

So how then are we to live? The apostle Paul says, “If the dead do not rise, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” (1 Corinthians 15:32) He testifies here that - if there is no resurrection - we all would be better off by making the most out of life. However, since Christ has risen, Paul suggests we should not spend our lives on passing interests. We must live for “then” (resurrection) not for “now.” (pleasures)

The Truth: "Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh will also rest in hope. For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption." (Psalm 16:9-10)