Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Revelation 6 "The Seals"

"Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer." (vv.1-2)

From the previous chapter, we understand this scroll is the history and destiny of mankind and creation, and only Jesus – the Lamb – had the right to loosen the seals on this scroll of the culmination of history. If the scroll details the culmination of history, then the things associated with the removal of the seals must happen before the scroll is opened. This is not the fulfillment of history itself, but the preparation for it. The actual culmination will be detailed in Revelation 19.

As we read through this chapter each seal upon being opened will be associated with a living creature (possiibly a cherubim from Ezekiel 1 and 10), who will called out “come and see” (or, it could be translated “go forth”) to each of the four horseman who wil carry out death and destruction upon the earth (the first of which is mentioned in our text). 

It would be easy to believe the rider on the white horse here in our text is Jesus. However according to scripture, Jesus does return on a white horse (Revelation 19:11-16), so this then is a satanic dictator who imitates Jesus. Better known as the antichrist. The idea of a satanic dictator over men goes back all the way to Nimrod, the ruler over Babel in Genesis 10:8-14, where it says he was a mighty hunter before the LORD. This has the sense that he was a mighty hunter of men, and that this was offensive to the face of God.

The modern political and social scene is certainly set for the emergence of such a political leader. And the first seal opened here brings this dictator to prominence. We understand that the seventieth week of Daniel 9 begins when this dictator will confirm a covenant with [the] many, referring to the Jewish people. 

 Many wonder if these four horsemen of Revelation 6 are connected with the seventieth week of Daniel and the great tribulation itself, or with the course of history up until that time. This initial emergence of the antichrist, connected with what we know about this leader from Daniel 9 shows that these four horsemen are connected with Daniel’s seventieth week and the great tribulation. All that waits is for the Lord to allow it in His timing after He takes His church from this earth.

In summary, the first six seals are a “Summary of the judgments distributed over the whole book; a brief summary of what will occur in ‘the day of the Lord,’ up to the time of His actual Apocalypse or Unveiling in chapter 19. That span begins with the revelation of the Antichrist (the first seal) and it concludes with the revealing of the face of Him who sits on the throne (the seventh seal).

The sixth seal described by John here in chapter 6 concludes with a valid question: Who is able to stand? Only the believer can stand before this great judgment, the one who is justified by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

The Truth: "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand. (Romans 5:1-2)