Friday, March 26, 2021

Genesis 1 “God Created”

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (v.1)

Many people get hung up on this verse. They just can’t accept the idea of creation. But is that truly the case? Anyone who looks at the grandeur of the universe and denies the existence of a Creator is suppressing the truth. Why, because, men do not want to be accountable to this creator. It eases their conscious to believe in evolution.

Keep in mind evolution at best is a theory – and an empty one at that. Many scientists have turned away from this hypothesis because it breaks the basic second scientific law of, “Thermodynamics.” This basic principle states everything goes from order to disorder, discounting the Big Bang theory of disorder to order. 

The bottom line here is whether you believe that the complexities of this universe and all that is on and in it just happened. What are the odds on that? Would you bet your life on it? I for one would not!

Creation speaks to me of a creator, and the heavens testify to that every day. This world did not come about by happenstance any more than man crawled out of some puddle of muddy water. God created it all. 

The Truth: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament show His handywork. Day unto day they utter speech, and night unto night they show knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.” (Psalm 19:1-3)