Thursday, April 23, 2020

2 Corinthians 12 "Paul's Unconditional Love"

“And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.” (v.15)

Here in chapter 12 we see Paul’s unconditional love for the church in Corinth. Just as a father cheerfully does for his children, Paul is willing to spend any expense, which may be necessary to promote their salvation. All this despite the fact, the more he gave of himself, the less he was loved by them.

Paul’s motivation was never to gain their gratitude, or extract some compensation form them, but to simply obey the will of God in his ministry. Whether others are grateful or not; whether they loved him or not; whether he could promote his popularity with them or not, he just kept showing his love to them in the name of Jesus.

We would do well to remember, the highest form of giving is when we give and receive nothing in return. Therefore, do not be surprised, or discouraged when you spend yourself in love for others who in turn, love less. This will provide an opportunity to display the true agape love of Jesus to others and your reward will be great.

The Truth
“But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.” (Luke 6:35)