Wednesday, November 30, 2016

1 Samuel 20 "Biblical Friendship"

“The Lord is witness between you and me forever.” (v.23)

Friendships are valuable beyond words, and that was certainly the case with David and Jonathan. This most famous of biblical friendships is the focus of our passage today. As we trace our way through the events of 1 Samuel, we see that this friendship encouraged David as he waited for God to fulfill His promise and make him king of Israel. 

Here in chapter 20, David and Jonathan reaffirmed their friendship with a covenant. They bound themselves, before God, to care for one another and their future generations (v.42). These two young men, who had been in battle together, were already friends, a relationship they kept even in the explosive atmosphere of Saul's court. Though Jonathan knew that David would take the throne, he felt no envy or anger (compare Saul in vv.30-31); in fact, Jonathan blessed David (v.13) and loved him as he loved himself (v.17). 

What a beautiful picture of biblical friendship we see in David and Jonathan! They were friends against the odds, through tough times, wholeheartedly. 

I am truly thankful for the "biblical friends" God has placed in my life. Those I can bare my soul to and them to me for prayerful support. It is my hope that God has blessed you with at least one such friend, someone who knows you well, who sticks with you through thick and thin, and who loves you unconditionally displaying true biblical friendship. If not, my prayer for you is that you develop such a relationship. 

The Truth
“As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” (Proverbs 27:17)