Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Acts 19 "The Gospel Changes Culture"

Acts 19 “The Gospel Changes Culture”

“Many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds” (v.18)

It's true that when people become believers they abandon some of the practices that mark their culture. But that's a result, not the goal. For example, when people of the Udek tribe in Chali, Sudan, became Christians, they rejected the practice of burying a live baby with its mother if she died during childbirth.

These new Christians didn't set out to turn their culture upside down. But United Nations officials have publicly noted the difference between the Udek believers and their non-Christian neighbors. Changing a culture is never the goal of missions - sharing the gospel is. It is Jesus Christ that changes men’s ways.

Here in chapter 19, we see the gospel at work in the society of Ephesus. When sorcerers turned to Christ, they burned their occultic books valued at 50,000 days' wages (v.19). And the silversmiths who made shrines of the goddess Diana were almost put out of business (v.23-27).

As Christians it is not our responsibility to change the culture around us. Only the power of God can do that. Our call is to share the gospel to those who God puts on our hearts and let Him do the rest.

The Truth

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” (Romans 1:16)