Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Luke 11

“Ask, Seek, Knock”

“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (v.9-10)

Have you ever noticed how some people have a hard time waiting their turn? This can be seen in different actions every day. For example, the tapper, the shifter, the poser, and of course the questioner, "Can't you go any faster." In the instant breakfast society we live in today, everyone wants an express lane. We want - what we want - when we want it. This can easily transfer into our prayer life as well.

God is not some "genie in a bottle" ready to grant us three wishes when we call on Him. Nor is He only to be called upon in time of need. What kind of relationship would you have with someone, if you only called when you needed something? The Bible tells us in James, "the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16) Let's look at these words a little closer.

Webster defines effective as fruitful or capable or producing a desired result. This means we must have an established prayer life, marked by fruit. The word fervent can be translated intense, passionate, very hot - glowing. Consequently, our prayer life should have emotion in it and not just some mundane, half-hearted request. Finally, it is the prayer of the righteous that reaches God. We as Christians have righteousness imputed to us through our belief in Jesus Christ, His death, burial and resurrection. Therefore we can, make our request known to God.

It is so important to establish a fervent prayer life with our heavenly father who, "desires to give us above all that we could ask or think."(Eph.3:20) Therefore, keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking and you will see the fruit of your petitions.

The Truth

Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. (James 5:17-18)