Tuesday, August 27, 2024

1 John 5 “Eternal Life Through Jesus”

 "He that believes on the Son of God has a witness in himself. And this is the record, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.” (vv.10-11)

The theme of life is central to all of John's writing, including his Gospel and his letters. In them, life is always identified with Jesus. Jesus Himself is the life (1 John 5:20; John 14:6). To “have Jesus” is to be in-dwelt by His Spirit, where God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit make their home in us as believers (John 14:23).

Here in chapter 5, verses 10 and 11 mention two gifts from God given to us as believers. First, His Spirit (the witness in us) of the testimony about His Son (Jesus), and second, that through Him (Jesus), God gives eternal life.

Life itself can often feel like observing a live sporting event. There are shocks and surprises, frustrations and fears, even sometimes a bit of anxiety, because we are unsure of the outcome. Every follower of Jesus (at some point in life) will experience moments just like that. Even to the point of questioning the certainty of eternal life.

But John writes to establish for us an unquestionable confidence: “So that we may know we have eternal life” (v. 13). This assurance does not come from a feeling or state of being, but results from belief in the reality of God's gift in Jesus, confirmed in His life, death, resurrection, and sealed to us by the comforter, His Spirit.

Yes life may present us with surprises along the way, but because of Christ’s finished work on the cross, and His resurrection from the grave, we can have His peace, for He has already settled our eternal outcome.

The Truth: “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and not of yourselves. It is the gift of God.” (Ephesians 2:8)