Wednesday, July 10, 2024

1 Chronicles 26 "The Gatekeepers"

"And they cast lots for each gate, the small as well as the great, according to their father’s house. The lot for the East Gate fell to Shelemiah. Then they cast lots for his son Zechariah, a wise counselor, and his lot came out for the North Gate; to Obed-Edom the South Gate, and to his sons the storehouse. To Shuppim and Hosah the lot came out for the West Gate, with the Shallecheth Gate on the ascending highway; watchman opposite watchman. " (vv.13-16)

Here we see that the order and arrangement of the service for the gatekeepers was arrived at the same way that they determined the order and arrangement for the priests in their service, by the casting of lots. This means that David let the LORD decide when it came to organizing and ordering these offices, and he did not let prestige or position determine their appointments. 

These gatekeepers had the responsibility for security, both in a practical and spiritual sense. They made sure that only those who were ready to serve and worship God could come to the temple and its associated building. Their work had to be organized and arranged just as much as the work of the priests who officiated at the sacrifices.

And, in our churches today there are many who work to carryout these same responsibilities insuring both order and security for all who come to worship. So, how are these men to be selected today?

J.P. Morgan writes concerning the selection of gatekeepers, “Our method is not that of casting lots, but of seeking the direct guidance of the Spirit. But we need to remember that in our choice of men for office in the work of the Church of God, the things of privilege, which too often count in human affairs, must have no weight with us.” (Morgan)

F.B. Meyer also writes, "But chiefly we are concerned with the temple of the heart. We surely need the doorkeeper there, for in the history of the inner life there is so much going and coming; such troops of thoughts pour into the shrine of the soul, and pour out. And often, in the crowd, disloyal and evil thoughts intrude, which, before we know it, introduce a sense of distance and alienation from God.” (Meyer)

Churches today would do well to follow David's example in selecting the gatekeepers of the church, look to the heart not to prestige or position.

The Truth: "But the LORD said unto Samuel, "Look not on his countenance or at the height of his stature, because I have refused him; for the LORD sees not as a man sees. For man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)