Monday, February 6, 2023

Judges 12 "The Pride of Ephriam"

The Ephraimite forces were called out, and they crossed over to Zaphon. They said to Jephthah, "Why did you go to fight the Ammonites without calling us to go with you? We're going to burn down your house over your head." (v.1)

Some people are never satisfied with leadership and are chronic complainers! That describes Ephriam, perfectly. Here again in chapter 12, as they did with Gideon in chapter 8, the Ephrainites were complaining, second guessing, even threatening Jephthat, when they should have been rejoicing over his victory against Ammon.

After having brushed-off Jephthah's plea for help in the fight against Ammon, Ephraim had the gall to charge Jephthah "Why didn't you call us to go with you?" In their pride, they couldn't stand the fact that Jephthat was successful without them and leveled insults against him and his men (v.5). This led to a deadly battle between the two, leading to the death of forty-two thousand Ephraimites (v.6). All because of pride.

We too must fight against our pride and egos, desiring to be recognized – thinking why them and not me? We must fight against the lies of satan sturring us up to argue, dispute or discredit leadership. How? By following and supporting those God has chosen to lead. And above all, remain humble - for pride destroys.

Don't mess with God's elect. He will look over His and hold them accountable. Ours is not to judge but to support.

The Truth: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)