Monday, February 7, 2022

Leviticus 22 "God's Holy Name"

“Tell Aaron and his sons to be careful with the holy gifts of the sons of Israel, which they dedicate to Me, so as not to profane My holy name; I am the Lord.” (Lev.22:2)

Today’s reading (Ch.22) gives commands regarding proper behavior for not only the Jewish priests in honoring God’s name, but for us as well. As all believers are now considered priests/ministers of the good news, we all need to make sure our actions and attitudes give the honor due His holy name. 

After reading the chapter one might ask, “What attitudes and actions could be considered improper or dishonoring to Him today? Here are a few examples for your consideration.

We need to be careful, not to go through the motions of worship or prayer. Focus on Him, the one who is worthy. Second, we need to be careful not to do something in His name out of obligation or grudgingly. He came to serve and freely demonstrated His love towards us by giving His life for us. Should we not freely give our service to Him out of love as well? And finally, we are to be careful in the giving of our tithes, offerings and gifts, so they are given with a cheerful, willing heart. Remembering what He gave for us.

The Truth: “Exalt the LORD our God, And worship at His footstool—He is holy.” (Psalm 99:5)