Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Isaiah 17 “The Burden Against Damascus (Syria)”

“Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will become a ruinous heap.” (v.1)

This chapter described the coming destruction of Damascus, the capital of Syria (or Aram as it was called by the Assyrians), in 732 BC. In this verse God promised to protect His people. When the Assyrians tried to continue south, and attack Jerusalem, God intervened and destroyed the Syrian army in one evening: “at eventide, trouble!”

The story is recorded in 2 Kings 18, and happened exactly as Isaiah prophesied. Assyria sent threatening letters to Judah. King Hezekiah and Isaiah took the letters into the temple and prayed over them. They were literally laying their burdens and fear before the Lord. God heard their prayer, and that same evening sent a single angel from heaven to destroy 185,000 Syrian warriors in one night.

Oh that we might go straight to God first and seek His help when we face insurmountable odds. So much worry, fret, and fear could be avoided if we would just rely on Him, trust in Him, cling to Him. Like king Hezekiah, we need to take our problems to the LORD in prayer, lay our burdens out before Him.

The Truth: “For He is our refuge and strength, a very pleasant help in time of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)