Friday, February 15, 2019

Mark 14 “Jesus’s Prayer in Gethsemane”

“Abba, Father,” He said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from Me. Yet not My will but Your will be done.” (v.36)

This pray offered by Jesus to His Father the night before He was to be crucified, shows His concern for what He was about to suffer for us. Luke's gospel tells He was in such agony that His sweat became "great drops of blood" (Luke 22:44). Nevertheless He was obedient to His Father's will.

Three things to take away from this portion of scripture concerning prayer are: 1)The Lord does not always answer our prayers in the way we request of Him. Even His Son had to walk the path directed for Him. 2) He will not give us more than we can handle and will strengthen us and carry us through all our trials. 3) All things are working together for (a greater) good for those who love the Lord and follow His will, even when we don’t understand why.

There is no greater gift of love than this, our Savior’s willingness to obey the Father even to His death for us. May we share His love with all we come into contact with.

The Truth: “Greater love has no man than this, that He would lay down His life for His friends.” (John 15:13)