Monday, September 26, 2016

Acts 7 "Stephen's Death"

“Stephen’s Death a Great Witness”

“When they had driven him out of the city, they began stoning him; and the witnesses laid aside their robes at the feet of a young man named Saul." (v. 58)

Richard Wurmbrand, author of “Tortured for Christ”, was a pastor and leader of the underground church in communist Romania during the years after World War II. Imprisoned for his faith, Wurmbrand met a young communist lieutenant who was thoroughly indoctrinated by Marxism and believed he was creating a better world by arresting and persecuting Christians. The young officer scoffed at Pastor Wurmbrand’s sincere expression of love for his enemies. But after many conversations about Christianity, Wurmbrand finally had the privilege of leading this officer to faith in Christ in the pastor’s prison cell.

Saul also fervently believed that Christians presented a menace and a threat to the religion in which he had been trained so thoroughly. This rabbi desired to prove his dedication to the traditions of his Jewish faith by becoming the chief persecutor of Christians.

Before Saul appeared on the scene, Stephen delivered a powerful indictment to the elders of Israel. He reminded the Jewish council that the nation’s forefathers failed to obey Moses despite the miracle of the exodus from Egypt. Stephen then charted Israel’s rebellion and idolatry all the way from the golden calf to the worship of idols that led to the Babylonian exile.  So what did they do with this indictment? They threw him out of the city and killed him under a barrage of stones while Saul watched.

Both in life and death people around us will be watching to see how we as Christians handle it. Saul, who is specifically mentioned in attendance to Stephen’s death, became a living testimony to the effectiveness of prayer through his later conversion (9:17; 22:3-21). That Stephen peacefully "fell asleep" (v.60) in conclusion to this horrific scene, demonstrated the Spirit's presence in his life, and left a lasting impression on Saul.

Stephen is truly a model of great faith. Willing to testify of Christ and courageous to face persecution for the truth. May our lives reflect the same.

The Truth

“Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12)