Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Holiday Gatherings

Holidays are times when families traditionally get together. For most families this is a joyous occasion with lively dinner conversation, board games, even a traditional touch football game - but for some, it can be a vivid reminder of estranged relationships, separations, divorce or lost loved ones. A difficult time for some to face unless wounds have healed.

Healing, under these circumstances, can seem impossible. However, like a broken bone that becomes stronger after it mends, the same is true with relationships. The areas where we have been hurt, where we have fallen or failed, maybe even given up on - are the very places where God can heal us if we allow Him to.

How do we allow this healing? We become transparent before God — we ask Him to cleanse us and pour His healing mercy over our wounds. When we are faithful to bring our broken parts to God, He will be faithful to heal them.

God bless you all this Thanksgiving and if you are in need of healing, just ask.

The Truth
“His strength is made perfect through our weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)