Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Holiday Gatherings

Holidays are times when families traditionally get together. For most families this is a joyous occasion with lively dinner conversation, board games, even a traditional touch football game - but for some, it can be a vivid reminder of estranged relationships, separations, divorce or lost loved ones. A difficult time for some to face unless wounds have healed.

Healing, under these circumstances, can seem impossible. However, like a broken bone that becomes stronger after it mends, the same is true with relationships. The areas where we have been hurt, where we have fallen or failed, maybe even given up on - are the very places where God can heal us if we allow Him to.

How do we allow this healing? We become transparent before God — we ask Him to cleanse us and pour His healing mercy over our wounds. When we are faithful to bring our broken parts to God, He will be faithful to heal them.

God bless you all this Thanksgiving and if you are in need of healing, just ask.

The Truth
“His strength is made perfect through our weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Battle of Ezekiel 38

The Bible clearly states in Ezekiel 38, that the Nation of Israel will be invaded by Russia (Gog) and it’s allies (Iran, Ethiopia, Libya, Turkey, Sudan). During this invasion Israel will stand alone, no one will come to her aid. Not even the United States. According to most Bible commentaries, the battle of Ezekiel will most likely take place during the tribulation period and probably during the first 3 ½ years of the seven year period - a time when Israel is at peace (Ezek. 38:8) under a covenant with the Antichrist at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week. (Daniel 9:27) How could this occur in our time? Here is one scenario.

Israel, probably the most restrained country on earth, which has long endured mortar shell attacks, rocket attacks, suicide bombers, invasions of surrounding areas as a way of life, is currently keeping an eye on Iran’s nuclear build up with much interest. During the continued Arab Israeli conflict, Iran has made one thing very clear - they will not rest until Israel is destroyed. With Israel’s history of surprise attacks against its enemies before they can strike first - Israel may well attack Iran with a surgical strike to take out its nuclear power capabilities before it can be turned against her. This could allow Israel to live in peace and safety for a time, until her neighbors organized against her for a coordinated attack described in Ezekiel 38.

In light of our current political leadership, Israel has little more than vocal support from the US. If anything, the current leadership is less concerned with Israel than it is with helping the victims of hurricane Sandy. Many Israelite's believe, as a result of our recent election, that they are truly alone in the world. So…what will Israel do to defend itself? Use technology.

Israel does possess the technology to send Iran back to the stone age. It is called, an electromagnetic bomb. This sort would be detonated above the ground, creating an electromagnetic pulse that would disrupt all the technological devices working on the ground. This kind of bomb would operate based on the nonlethal technology of gamma rays. The outburst of energy would “fry” electric devices and currents around the source of the explosion, thus ending any possible threat of nuclear attack for years, providing them with peace and safety for a time.

I am not an alarmist, but I do read my Bible - which tells me, we are truly living in the last days. Pray for Israel, read your Bible and watch for the signs in world events, as they build toward this clash.

The Truth
Ezekiel 38:18-23
Ezekiel 39:1-16