Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Merciful God

Have you ever found yourself in the position of desiring a little mercy? I know I have. Whether it is a warning instead of a ticket, extra time to complete an assignment or time off to deal with a personal tragedy, we could all use a little mercy at times. Mercy is getting what we do not deserve and is administered out of compassion. While enforcing the letter of the law is delivering what we deserve, administered in the name of justice.

Jesus Himself spoke of mercy in Matthew 5:7, “Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy.” This scripture indicates that mercy has a reciprocal effect. We will obtain mercy to the extent that we give it. Furthermore, James warns us that, “judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” (James 2:13) Knowing this, we would all be well advised to be less proud and show more mercy.

Thanks be to God, for His mercies towards us, who has not administered to us what we deserve, but has shown His patience and longsuffering with our lives.

The Truth
“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. For His mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 136)