Sunday, September 7, 2008


Pride is the root of all sin. It is the mistaken notion that we are in control - instead of allowing God to be the master of our lives. This is what makes "pride" the ultimate sin - it brings alination that will keep us form being dependent on God.

In Proverbs (8:13, 11:2 and 16:18) it becomes clear that God is not pleased with pride in our lives. When we are self-centered and choose a life of self-reliance, we go against God's commands and his desire for our life. He wants us to be confident and bold, but reliant on Him to keep us from the negative consequences of disgrace and distruction.

Are you relying on yourself or on God to help you in the key areas in your life? It is an important question to ask yourself everyday to remain in His will.

The Truth
"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirt before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)