Monday, August 11, 2008

Sacrificial Love

All parents understand the concept of “sacrificial love,“ giving to others before yourself. Little things like, first sip of a cold drink, the better seat at the ballgame, the first choice of meat at the dinner table or the late night comfort needed to fall asleep. These sacrifices, though relatively simple to give up, show the natural love of a parent.

However, “sacrificial love” is not always that simple. Try allowing a son/daughter to go through something painful, for a greater good, without rescuing them. To watch them struggle, falter or experience pain, goes against every fiber of our being as parents.

Can you imagine what pain God the Father was experiencing seeing His Son go through the agonizing death of the cross? Then, having to turn His back on Him because He could have no fellowship with sin. God’s “sacrificial love” for us goes far beyond our limits of understanding. (Psalm 40:28)

If you offered such a gift for man and he did not accept it, how would you feel? What might be your reaction?

The Truth
“He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” (John 3:36)